Overgrown Legend

There is a very special feeling that comes from drawing every day for a few weeks. At some point ideas start turning into images with ease, and I feel a sort of excitement that carries me through the process of meticulously applying ink to paper. That's the type of flow and focus I seek when doing daily challenges.
This year I choose Inktober, a challenge where artists around the world try to make a drawing a day during the month of October, usually following some sort of prompt. As I worked on the drawings a loose narrative started to emerge so I arranged them in the zine you see above. I think it's a cohesive piece and it's fun to browse the 28 pages of images. If you pick one up from my Etsy store leave me a message saying you are a subscriber so I can send you a special thank you gift 😉.
As always, thank you for following my art making adventures, I'm super grateful for your support and I wish you a swinging and very happy new year!